Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Phoenix Foodie News - Cycle - Sharing IS Caring!

The trend of sharing a work-space is not only for those techies in Silicon Valley, culinary genius is sprouting here in Phoenix through the efforts of Cycle, a restaurant with a built-in expiration date.

Opening to the public in April after a four-day flash remodel. Closing later this year, making room for the renovation of The Lexington Hotel this fall.

Cycle’s aim is to provide a commitment-free culinary venue for talented chefs, food trucks, artists and mixologists.

At the Lexington Hotel 1100 N. Central Ave Phoenix, AZ 85004 Contact 602-252-2100

Bar open daily from 4:30pm-2am. See schedule for featured chefs and happy hours.

Got a concept? Chefs or food trucks interested in participating should email cycle@writetoup.com

Photos - http://www.facebook.com/CyclePhoenix