Monday, November 15, 2010

Eric Glomski Entertains at Slow Food Event in Phoenix

Winemaking wunderkind, Eric Glomski of Page Springs Cellars and Arizona Stronghold Vineyards, was the guest of honor/designated pourer at the most recent Slow Foods events held at one my fave dining destinations, Postino central.

Eric Glomski entertaining Slow Food Phx guests and members

Slow Food Phx Board Members

Slow Food is a non-profit, eco-gastronomic, membership organization that educates people about how their food choices affect the rest of the world (Slow Food Manifesto).

Eric is a BIG believer in sustainability and spoke to members, guests and media about his quest to incorporate sustainable practices into the care and production of his vineyards and ultimately, the wine.

1 comment:

  1. Did Eric provide the signature Page Spring Cellar wine glasses etched with their logo and "This glass was stolen from Page Spring Cellar"? :)
