Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I've Got Rhythm, I've Got Music

Who could ask for anything more?

I'm always down to try out new music. So far, the only tunes on my 'no-play list" include angry screaming men, gangster rappers and sugary pop straight outta Bop (save for katy perry- my guilty pleasure #1).

So off I went in search of fresh beats, finally landing at the Rhythm Room in Phoenix. This well-known spot offers locals the chance to see awesome acts in an intimate setting.

My first show there was last week for Margot and the Nuclear So and So's. The opening bands were so awful, that by the time Margot took the stage I was ready to leave. But cooler heads prevailed and I stuck around long enough to become obsessed with the band. $$ (that's the sound of me buying their cd on itunes).

Last night I was back in action for a special show sponsored by my friend Carlos' employer. You may of heard of it, Coca-Cola Co.? Junip, a cosmopolitan three piece from Gothenburg, Sweden – featuring Tobias Winterkorn (keyboards), Elias Araya (drums) and José González (vocals & guitar) headlined the show and it rocked. I give it another, $$.

Basically you should make a point of visiting Rhythm Room's website and see what bands are coming through town. Heck, get a little crazy and see someone you've never heard of before, you may just end up a fan!

Rhythm Room
1019 East Indian School Road
Phoenix, AZ 85014-4811
(602) 265-4842

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